Let’s go on a colour walk!

For many of us, after a long day of working (for someone else) or following other chores, it seems easier to just relax on the couch and consume some TV, Games or similar than really feed our creativity. But how do you feel after such an evening? Do you feel inspired? Happy and motivated? Very often the answer is NO.

My mission with this post (and my entire blog) is to inspire you to create more and consume less. Personally, I know, that creating things makes my heart sing. Finding inspiration can turn a grey day into a sunny day, at least for my soul!

During our last lockdown this winter, all felt a bit grey and dull anyway in our seaside village here in Portugal. On a particularly grey day, I could have just turned my back to the outside world and started watching some series or junk-TV.

Instead, I decided to grab my camera and head outside. But I didn’t just go for a walk – no. I set myself a creative mission. I went on a “colour walk” and chose the colour yellow. The rule I set to myself: I was only allowed to take pictures of yellow things.

Off I went and instantly felt I had a purpose; to go out, to walk but mainly to find these yellow things around me.
This immediately changed how I looked around me and really made me conscious of my environment. Not like my usual walk along the beach, which can be nice, but I am usually not fully aware and my head is more in the clouds. But this colour walk brought me into the present and I got really into it.
I found yellow houses, yellow flowers, but also more details like a cheesy shopping window or a tiny restaurant-sign. Even boring things like written information started to become special, if it matched my colour!

With this walk the “colour walks” were born! It inspires me to see my environment in a new light and I like to capture random things around me.

Some colour walk tips

When taking a picture, you can think about the composition of the photo but also about the crop. How much of its surrounding do you want to be visible in the photo? What is the right position of the yellow element within your image?
Some pictures tell a story, which only you might understand. My picture of the chairs for example, tells me that this was a strict lockdown. The restaurants weren’t open for two months! Whenever I see these yellow chairs on the picture, it reminds me of this sad and strange time.
It was really a weird time, this lockdown, but my colour walk brought me a moment of joy. And I hope it will do the same for you.

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